(618) 779-9604

Basement and crawl areas begin to leak when the ground pressure of expanding soil caused by rain or snow melt allows water to force its way in. In poured concrete basement or crawl areas the water is forced in through the cold joint areas (wall to footing joint) and then can seep into the open space. In concrete block basement or crawl areas the hollow cells in the concrete block walls will fill up with seep water to a point that the water becomes heavy enough to force its way out through the mortar joints near the base and seep into the open space.

The basement floor is cut open (approximately 12” out from the wall) and a pump well is installed at a designated low point locations. A new trench is dug in the exposed area sloping toward the designated pump well location (basement or crawl area). A 4” drain tile system (slotted pipeline) is then installed in the trench and connected to the new well. If the walls are made of concrete blocks small holes will be drilled into the base of the cells (below the floor level) so the water can drain from the cells and into the new drain tile system. The new drain tile system is then covered with a river rock drain field to serve as a filter to keep debris out of the new drain system. A sump pump is then installed in the pump well, fitted with a one way valve and connected to new 1½” PVC pipe discharge line.
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